Thursday, June 24, 2010

The RAMP....

SO, Toby cannot walk up a single step or it COULD paralyze what do we do? We treat him as we would ourselves, I guess-my husband built him a ramp! It is WIDE, so that he doesn't decide last minute to JUMP the edge, it is carpeted so that it isn't slippery. He likes it- and so does Meeka who runs up and down it over and over like a little kid. (She's a "deer Chihuahua"- so not too small- 15 pounds!) Really though, there is a very good reason for this "Handicapped" look. If we pick him up wrong, it could be the end of his life as he has known it. It is very difficult to pick up a dog, any dog- even small ones like him without causing an unbalanced feeling to them- and in response, they arch their back or 'squiggle'!! VERY scary. SO! This is for Toby ~ but it also gives US peace of mind.
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  1. So the doggy door is out of commission for a while? Very nice job Danny! I'll call you when I need a ramp! :) oh wait! :(
    And it's nice that Meeka is reaping the benefits of a temporarily disabled brother!

  2. Nice work Uncle Dan, Toby will be running with his sister soon. I got a deer chi as well Aunt Denise but he is only around 8 lbs.

  3. Marlene~ nope- the doggy door still works fine. It's just that Toby can't step into and over the threshold of it. Meeka can though- and seems to like making the 'loop' of running out the doggy door, up the ramp through the kitchen and out the doggy door...get the pic? and is doing so as waaay to often! I wonder if she is teasing him?

    Peggi~ Meeka probably isn't full blooded - she's a rescue Dog of questionable heritage!
